It’s Origins Kitchen’s first ever Cookie Exchange!
It is the perfect season for an extra sprinkle of merry and bright, and nothing is better than gathering and sharing homemade cookies and smiles. Meet some amazing bakers and take home scrumptious treats during the exchange.
- Bake and bring to the event 7 dozen of the SAME cookie or bar
- 2 dozen of your cookies will go on our tasting table
- 5 dozen will go to the actual exchange table for each guest to choose from
- You will leave with cookies from each of our 30 guests to bring home and enjoy!
- Admission to the cookie exchange and museum
- A selection of savoury appetizers from Origins Kitchen
- Your preference of a spiced cocktail or mocktail
- Box to take home all your cookies in
- A chance to meet cookie enthusiasts like yourself!
- Hot Chocolate, Tea and Coffee – Bring your favourite Holiday Mug or Reusable Cup!
- Festive Holiday Wear – get all decked out to have a fun evening with us!
- Can I bring a friend? One guest per ticket. Each person attending is required to bake and bring 7 dozen cookies. No plus ones – this is to keep the event to the true cookie lovers and bakers in the community.